Simple data with schema ttl - relationships are not visualized

Below is a Stardog Explorer screenshot for simplest data. But when visualizing schema - relationships are not shown. Why?

Here is the data with schema ttl:

@prefix ex: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .

# Classes
ex:Person a rdfs:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Person" .

ex:Organization a rdfs:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Organization" .

# Predicate
ex:worksAt a rdf:Property ;
    rdfs:label "works at" ;
    rdfs:domain ex:Person ;
    rdfs:range ex:Organization .

# Instances
ex:John a ex:Person ;
    rdfs:label "John" ;
    ex:worksAt ex:Costco .

ex:Jane a ex:Person ;
    rdfs:label "Jane" ;
    ex:worksAt ex:Walmart .

ex:Costco a ex:Organization ;
    rdfs:label "Costco" .

ex:Walmart a ex:Organization ;
    rdfs:label "Walmart" .

I have added the ttl using this command:

stardog data add https://sd-*** .\easy.ttl -g tag:stardog:api:context:schema -u *** -p ***

Hi Radu,

Your image isn't showing up (at least for me), but I do notice that you're using rdf[s] classes to define your classes/properties. Try defining your classes as owl:Class and your predicate as an owl:ObjectProperty and see if that causes Explorer to find it.

@stephen thanks for your response. Indeed owl fixed graph schema visualization - please see screenshot below. But now instance visualization not working - when I search in Explorer for the following instance - the result is white as snow - nothing!


My updated easy.ttl is as follows:

@prefix ex: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .

# Classes
ex:Person a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Person" .

ex:Organization a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Organization" .

# Object Property
ex:worksAt a owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:label "works at" ;
    rdfs:domain ex:Person ;
    rdfs:range ex:Organization .

# Instances
ex:John a ex:Person ;
    rdfs:label "John" ;
    ex:worksAt ex:Costco .

ex:Jane a ex:Person ;
    rdfs:label "Jane" ;
    ex:worksAt ex:Walmart .

ex:Costco a ex:Organization ;
    rdfs:label "Costco" .

ex:Walmart a ex:Organization ;
    rdfs:label "Walmart" .

Hi Radu,

You're storing your instance data in your schema graph alongside the ontology. If you move those triples somewhere else (e.g., the default graph), you should see the instances show up.

@stephen - that did it - thanks! Below is snapshot of all the instances and classes and relationships.

Now my follow up questions are:

  1. Shall I (or do I also have) to create a new Model in Stardog Studio? How would that help?
  2. In explorer how do I show all classes and instances and relationships between them with one click or one command? I know one can keep "expanding..." but is there a better way to show the entire graph including its schema in Explorer?

Here are my two files:

@prefix exs: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .

# Classes
exs:Person a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Person" .

exs:Organization a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Organization" .

# Object Property
exs:worksAt a owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:label "works at" ;
    rdfs:domain exs:Person ;
    rdfs:range exs:Organization .

and easy_data.ttl

@prefix exg: <> .
@prefix exs: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .

# Instances
exg:John a exs:Person ;
    rdfs:label "John" ;
    exs:worksAt exg:Costco .

exg:Jane a exs:Person ;
    rdfs:label "Jane" ;
    exs:worksAt exg:Walmart .

exg:Costco a exs:Organization ;
    rdfs:label "Costco" .

exg:Walmart a exs:Organization ;
    rdfs:label "Walmart" .

And here is how I added them:

stardog data remove https://sd-*** --all -u *** -p ***
stardog data add https://sd-*** .\easy_schema.ttl -g tag:stardog:api:context:schema -u *** -p ***
stardog data add https://sd-*** .\easy_data.ttl -g tag:stardog:context:default -u *** -p ***