I created an empty db in sttudio, and then loaded the music ttl.gz database from Stardog's github's tutorial section. It has 41k edges, so there is some data there.
In studio, I created a model, and in the text editor of that model, I pasted the simple schema from the tutorial music_schema.ttl Screenshot by Lightshot
Neither in studio's Class section, nor in Explorer do I see the property paths defined in the music_schema.ttl, apart from the subclass ones. Screenshot by Lightshot
For instance, Album and artist should be linked like this:
http://stardog.com/tutorial/Album a rdfs:Class ;
rdfs:comment "A collection of songs released by an artist on physical or digital medium." ;
rdfs:label "Album" .
http://stardog.com/tutorial/artist a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:comment "The artist that performed this album." ;
rdfs:domain http://stardog.com/tutorial/Album ;
rdfs:label "artist" ;
rdfs:range http://stardog.com/tutorial/Artist .
I must be misunderstanding something about how databases, schemas and models interact in stardog?