How to load a schema for tutorial music db

I created an empty db in sttudio, and then loaded the music ttl.gz database from Stardog's github's tutorial section. It has 41k edges, so there is some data there.

In studio, I created a model, and in the text editor of that model, I pasted the simple schema from the tutorial music_schema.ttl Screenshot by Lightshot

Neither in studio's Class section, nor in Explorer do I see the property paths defined in the music_schema.ttl, apart from the subclass ones. Screenshot by Lightshot

For instance, Album and artist should be linked like this: a rdfs:Class ;
rdfs:comment "A collection of songs released by an artist on physical or digital medium." ;
rdfs:label "Album" . a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:comment "The artist that performed this album." ;
rdfs:domain ;
rdfs:label "artist" ;
rdfs:range .

I must be misunderstanding something about how databases, schemas and models interact in stardog?

Hi Susanne,

for Explorer to visualize the artist relationship between Albums and Artists, it needs to be defined as a owl:ObjectProperty. Updating your model as follows should do the trick:

:artist a rdf:Property , owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:comment "The artist that performed this album." ;
    rdfs:domain :Album ;
    rdfs:label "artist" ;
    rdfs:range :Artist .

Also, make sure you select the right model in the Explorer settings:

I hope that solves your issue.

Best regards