Can't reproduce Tableau music db training results

I have followed this training at and assumed that the author pointed her Tableau to a database similar to the so called "stardog-tutorial-music" which I also see in in my Studio. So I have tried that.

After setting up the MySQL connector and pointing Tableau to that host and port 5806 I was able to show all the databases. I see the so called tables on the left - Album, Band, ... Song, etc. - that is nice.

However when I drag Album and then Song - there is no common id that can show related data.

  • Do I need to update the mappings?



How did you load the mappings? Can you please review the details?

mappings look good - but not at properties level - you can recreate on your own:

@prefix : <> .
@prefix stardog: <tag:stardog:api:> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix sql: <tag:stardog:api:sql:> .

:AlbumTableMapping a sql:TableMapping ;
    sql:tableName "Album" ;
    sql:class :Album .

:SongwriterTableMapping a sql:TableMapping ;
    sql:tableName "Songwriter" ;
    sql:class :Songwriter .

:SongTableMapping a sql:TableMapping ;
    sql:tableName "Song" ;
    sql:class :Song .

:ProducerTableMapping a sql:TableMapping ;
    sql:tableName "Producer" ;
    sql:class :Producer .

:SoloArtistTableMapping a sql:TableMapping ;
    sql:tableName "SoloArtist" ;
    sql:class :SoloArtist .

:BandTableMapping a sql:TableMapping ;
    sql:tableName "Band" ;
    sql:class :Band .

Have you loaded the schema from the repository?

yes - stardog-tutorial-music - created by Stardog Studio when going through tutorials

You need to load the schema from the Tableau tutorial.

I need a link please

The data and schema from the tutorial is on the stardog-tutorials Github

How do you load then the schema? I believe that has been already done by Studio when running tutorials, right?

Hi Radu,

The portion of the tutorial in Studio that creates the database stardog-tutorial-music for you does not load the schema. If you load it yourself and return to the BI Mapping tab (within Databases section) in Studio, the mapping should be updated to what you see in the Tableau tutorial.


Sorry for my ignorance.

  • How do I "load schema"?

I've looked through tutorials and documentation and couldn't find it.


You can add it the same way you would add any other data in Stardog.

From the CLI:

stardog data add stardog-tutorial-music music_schema.ttl

Alternatively, you could load it in Studio using the "Load Data" button in the Databases section:

This is also shown in the Tableau tutorial right after 2:45 mark.

Thank you - that helps

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