Hi folks,
I may be doing something stupid...but here goes.
I have a series of embedded triples using RDF-Star that describe a series of code flow events (See attached file). File1 writesFile File2, File1 readsFile File3, etc. Each embedded triple is associated with a "Step" IRI which in turn has more details about that step including step number, description, and a hasNext predicate for order. hasNext has owl:inverseOf hasPrevious. I want to query up and down the order of steps which I can do when reasoner is on using :hasNext+ or :hasPrevious+ . See attached query.
When I try to "Find the embedded triples that occur previous to Step 3" using the attached query, I get the message:
000012: com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.ExecutionException: com.complexible.stardog.reasoning.blackout.HybridReasoningPlanNode cannot be cast to com.complexible.stardog.plan.ScanNode
When I comment out the last line, the query executes without error and proves the reasoner is on. I just cant get the embedded triples associated with the code steps it returns in ?prevStep.
What am I doing wrong or missing?
- Database has edge properties turned on.
- Reasoner is on
- StardogServer 7.4.0
- StardogStudio
RDFStarCodeOrder-TestDB.rq (294 Bytes)
CodeOrderTestRDFStar.TTL (1.4 KB)