I'm getting fewer, and inexplicable, results with reasoning.
I have my database configured with the following i.e. including the default named graph.
My data is the very simple property declaration.
prefix ex: http://adaptive.com/example
insert {ex:annotp a owl:AnnotationProperty}
where {}
Having just created the property I cannot get its type when using reasoning. In all these cases I'm using Stardog Studio and have the reasoning defaulted to EL.
prefix ex: http://adaptive.com/example
select * where {ex:annotp a ?t}
returns nothing with reasoning; returns owl:AnnotationProperty without reasoning
prefix ex: http://adaptive.com/example
select * where {ex:annotp ?p ?t}
returns nothing with reasoning, rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty without reasoning
prefix ex: http://adaptive.com/example
select * where {?p a owl:AnnotationProperty}
returns ex:annotp without reasoning; that and a whole bunch more (from the non-default named graph used for reasoning) with reasoning. This is the one query that did behave as expected.
prefix ex: http://adaptive.com/example
select * where {BIND (ex:annotp as ?p). ?p a owl:AnnotationProperty}
returns ex:annotp without reasoning, nothing with reasoning
prefix ex: http://adaptive.com/example
ASK {ex:annotp a owl:AnnotationProperty}
returns false with reasoning, true without reasoning
This seems pretty weird to me - is something subtle going on I'm not grasping?