I already asked that question at Validation errors for TTL model import but did not get any reply. Was that the wrong category to ask? Or is there simply noone here to help with that issue?
I am trying to follow the import process described at Getting Started Part 3: Creating a Knowledge Graph in Designer | Stardog Documentation Latest for the BrickSchema ontology (TTL from https://github.com/BrickSchema/Brick/releases/download/nightly/Brick.ttl). According to SHACL shape validator the file is generally SHACL W3C conforming. But the Stardog Studio Text Editor shows me 627 validation errors related to SHACL constructs:
If I save the file I get quite some edges and nodes added to the database but no classes, relationships, etc. shown for the model.
Am I following wrong assumptions about the import process? What's guidance you can direct me to?