Access to Stardog Studio after installation

Afer installing Stardog, I try to access HTTP://:5820 and it redirects me to and forces me to login there.

Any ideas on this issue?

Hi, is the way to access stardog studio in a browser. You do have access to the other non-graphical UIs and APIs without making a cloud account, however

Hello Stephen

Thanks for the quick reply.

I am still a bit confused on how to access Stardog server after installation. However, I logged in with the admin user and then was brought to a login screen. After logging in then I was presented with the ‘Connect’ screen.

Now I’m getting this error. Can you let me know what I’m doing wrong.

Hi Joseph,

This is very likely your browser blocking the retrieval of http content that isn't on localhost over an https connection. Certain browsers don't even provide the option of disabling this, so your choices are essentially to enable ssl on your local stardog, or to run the stardog server on localhost.

Hello Stephen,

Could you give me a quick call @ 510-415-2176? I just a bit confused still. I’m trying to evaluate Stardog on my own, as well as my Enterprise is installing it as a POC.

Based on your details below, it seems that we should configure and enable “SSL” on our test host server which we installed Stardog.

It seems logical that we use Stardog Explorer as a query type editor, however I’m not sure about localhost:5820 is used to manage.

Also does Stardog Explorer utilize the same port (:5820) for access via the rest api?


Yes, if you need to access Stardog via on a server that ISN'T localhost, you would need to enable SSL.

You might be able to get away with, though at some point this option is likely going away to be replaced by Cloud.

Hi Stephen,

Okay, just to be clear.

I have my own MS Azure cloud and I have an Linux VM setup with Stardog. I have port 5820 open and I would expect to be able to connect to http://<my_server_host_ip>:5820 to get access.

Is this not the expected behavior if I’m stalling it on my own cloud server.

This is the configuration where it was redirecting me to to sign in.

I was able to sign in, then it asked me to create a new connection and input my server endpoint and I put in http://<my_server_host_ip:5820> and it would not connect.

What am I doing wrong or is ‘ssl’ still required in this configuration?



The issue here is that you are connecting to, and then attempting to load http://yourserver:5820. This results in Mixed Content, which most (if not all) modern browsers flat-out reject, which is what is happening here. To be clear, this is not a restriction imposed by Stardog; your browser is blocking this. I don't believe that any browsers allow this to be worked around with the exception of the case where the domain is localhost.

Hi Stephen,

I am able to access Stardog.Studio URL link that launches to Stardog Studio and then we can make a connection to our endpoint.

Just a quick question, what type of metadata is captured by Stardog for this type of external connection.


I once got Stardog to run on my localhost, but now it will not. I redirects me to the Stardog cloud. The only thing that has changed is that today I created a cloud account because I wanted to try Stardog Designer (the only way I could try it). I was logged in to the account when trying to access from localhost, but I then logged out of the cloud and I am still being redirected to the cloud. I do have the Stardog server running locally. I need to get this to work for a POC. Thanks.

Hi Scott,

The front end apps such as Designer and Studio on are used to access the Stardog server running on your local machine. When you go to and create a connection, you'll want to put in http://localhost:5820 (assuming you have not changed Stardog from port 5820).


Thanks Clark, That worked. I have a follow up question. Any data I create using Studio, Designer, or Explorer, will it be stored on your cloud server or on my localhost?

Hi Scott,

All your data remains on your computer. When running apps on, they are web apps that are running completely in your browser and not on our servers. In your case where you are running on localhost, the data will never even leave your machine. If you were running in an on prem server for example, it would only go between your machine and the server.


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