ICVOptions from Java


I mentioned this in Is it possible to disable ICV from Java? back in May last year.

I'm currently trying the following:

boolean icv_reasoning_enabled = connect.get(StardogConstants.DATABASE_NAME, ICVOptions.ICV_REASONING_ENABLED);

Which returns NULL and not a boolean.

And I've tried:

boolean icv_reasoning_enabled = connect.get(StardogConstants.DATABASE_NAME, MetaProperties.get("icv.reasoning.enabled"));

Which throws: Caused by: com.complexible.stardog.StardogException: Invalid option

I'm on 5.2.1.



The ticket we have open for this issue remains, however you should be able to add MetaProperties.register(ICVOptions.class); at the beginning of your code and then these commands should work.

Thanks @stephen, that worked like a charm. In case anyone stumbles onto this one later, remember to also add <groupId>com.complexible.stardog</groupId><artifactId>server</artifactId> as a dependency.