Installation issues with licence

I am trying to install Stardog via Docker: Use Docker | Stardog Documentation Latest
On step 4 it says to run the container and mount a home directory with a valid license. Where do I get the license?
How do I download it so I can place it in a home directory?

Hi Nenad,

Welcome to Stardog Community!

If you're looking for a free option to try Stardog, I recommend checking out Stardog Cloud. The docs are a little out of date, so thank you for the push to update them. If a Stardog Cloud Free instance isn't sufficient for your needs, Stardog Cloud Essentials offers better storage and uptime. In both cases, no license is required to start using Stardog.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Hi Steve,

Thanks for answering!
That is correct, I am looking for a free option to try Stardog. I went to the link you provided, but I don't see an option to get the license file.
Where do I get the license mentioned in this paragraph: "... you must instruct Docker to mount a home directory with a valid license from your host machine at /var/opt/stardog in the image"?
It feels like there's a step I'm missing, or I should have received and email with the license file?

To be clear, I understand what I need to do in order to start Docker and Stardog image. What I am missing is the actual licence file. I have a free account on Stardog Cloud, I'm just not seeing an option to get that file.

All the best,

Hi Nenad,

The link I sent allows you to provision a free Stardog Cloud endpoint so that you don't need a license file. The section of the docs you mention is out of date, which is what I was referring to when I said I need to update them.

You can provision a free endpoint here.


Oh okay, I get it now!
I got my head so wrapped up around the idea of an actual file, that I didn't even notice that I could create the endpoint on Stardog Cloud instead.
Thanks a lot.
