Ruleset and reasoning order

Hi guys. Got another question.

Is there a way to control the order of rules firing? What if I create a variable in one rule and need it another rule - will Stardog be able to handle that?

Can you provide a simple example of the behavior you want to see?

I asked this question earlier and it is related to my question:

This is the behaviour I would like to see:

I have 3 rulesets, where 1 and 2 gives a literal value to two objects and no 3 needs these strings to CONCAT a new variable. This is how the rules look:

Rule 1
[] a rule:SPARQLRule ;
rule:content “”“
IF {
?window a ifcowl:IfcWindow .
?window ccs:ProductID “QQA” .

Rule 2
[] a rule:SPARQLRule ;
rule:content “”“
IF {
?wall a ifcowl:IfcWallStandardCase .
?wall ccs:ProductID “B” .

Rule 3
[] a rule:SPARQLRule ;
rule:content “”"
IF {
?ifcrelfill a ifcowl:IfcRelFillsElement ;
ifcowl:relatingOpeningElement_IfcRelFillsElement ?openingelement ;
ifcowl:relatedBuilstrong textdingElement_IfcRelFillsElement ?window .
?window a ifcowl:IfcWindow ;
ccs:ProductID ?windowID .

?voidelement a ifcowl:IfcRelVoidsElement ;
ifcowl:relatedOpeningElement_IfcRelVoidsElement ?openingelement ;
ifcowl:relatingBuildingElement_IfcRelVoidsElement ?wall .

?wall a ifcowl:IfcWallStandardCase .
ccs:ProductID ?wallID .

BIND (CONCAT(-?wallID.?windowID) AS ?wallwindowID)

?window ccs:combinedProductId ?wallwindowID .

However when I make a SPARQL query in Stardog with:

SELECT ?window ?ID


?window a ifcowl:IfcWindow .

?window ccs:combinedProductId ?ID .

I get no results :confused:

Here is the initial silly question: Do you have reasoning enabled when running the query?

Yes reasoning is enabled.

However what I am curious about is the process of reasoning in Stardog, since first it should find results for 1 and 2, and then in 3 the results from 1 and 2 will yield the results in 3. Hope this makes sense

Hi Arbaz,

I deleted your other topic as this one pretty much covers everything you asked over there.

I believe the problem here is simply a malformed Rule 3. You have right above the BIND:

?wall a ifcowl:IfcWallStandardCase .
ccs:ProductID ?wallID .   # This is not a complete BGP

What I think you’re looking for is:

?wall a ifcowl:IfcWallStandardCase ;    # Semicolon instead of period
    ccs:ProductID ?wallID .

Additionally, the parser did not seem to like BIND (CONCAT(-?wallID.?windowID) AS ?wallwindowID), but when I changed it to BIND (CONCAT(?wallID,?windowID) AS ?wallwindowID) (No - sign, and comma instead of period), things seemed to work just fine. We wouldn’t have caught it when inserting the rule, since it’s all in a big string and not being parsed as SPARQL as insert time.

If I run the query on some data that I made up, I get what looks like the answer you are wanting:

Stephens-iMac:community stephen$ stardog query -r myDb "select * {?subj ccs:ProductID ?productId }"
|   subj   | productId |
| :Wall1   | "B"       |
| :Wall2   | "B"       |
| :Window1 | "QQA"     |
| :Window2 | "QQA"     |

Query returned 4 results in 00:00:00.051
Stephens-iMac:community stephen$ stardog query -r myDb "select * {?subj ccs:combinedProductId ?combinedProductId }"
|   subj   | combinedProductId |
| :Window1 | "BQQA"            |
| :Window2 | "BQQA"            |

Query returned 2 results in 00:00:00.070

Thanks a lot Stephen! Stupid mistake on my part. What if the “-” and punctuation are necessary for my end product - is there a way to write this in a Stardog rule?

Ah, you would just have to alter your CONCAT a little bit: CONCAT("-", ?wallID, ".", ?windowID)

Stephens-iMac:community stephen$ stardog query -r myDb "select * {?subj ccs:combinedProductId ?combinedProductId }"
|   subj   | combinedProductId |
| :Window1 | "-B.QQA"          |
| :Window2 | "-B.QQA"          |

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