This might be a generic SPARQL question, or maybe the answer is more specific to Stardog (depending on how it manages the "default" graph).
Given an update query as:
WITH http://mygraph
DELETE {?obj :myProp false}
INSERT {?obj :myProp true}
WHERE {?obj :myProp false}
Is there a way to perform such an update on all the graphs that contain "?obj :myProp false" triples ?
From my understanding: We can either specify a WITH clause for one specific graph, or omit the WITH clause and work on the default graph.
In my trials, when omitting the WITH clause, no update was performed, eventhough the "Query all graph=true" is set.
I was aware of that, but maybe my question was not clear enough.
A more accurate question would be:
Is it possible to perform an update WITHOUT specifying the named graphs to update, just asking to upgrade all corresponding triples IN ANY named graph ?