We are happy to announce the release of Stardog 7.1.2. The most notable additions in thins release are:
- Automated generation of BI/SQL mappings. With the addition of this feature if you have already created a data model for your Stardog database in RDFS, OWL or SHACL then you can connect to Stardog via Bi/SQL tools right away. Auto-generated mappings can be customized by the user.
- Similarly GraphQL schemas can be auto-generated making it easier to use GraphQL tools with Stardog.
- SMS2 support for CSV files. The mappings to ingest CSV files as RDF now supports SMS2 mapping syntax. Ingestion is now done on the server-side in a single transaction making it more performant and easier to use.
- When Kerberos authentication is enabled for the cluster, Stardog nodes will now use Kerberos for internal cluster communication too.
There are several other improvements and bug fixes included in this release that you can read about in the release notes. Let us know if you have questions or comments.