Stardog Cloud - supported functionalities in free version

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to ask you whether it is possible to use the following functionalities in the free version of the Stardog (Stardog Cloud):
-> using of knowledge RDF extractors (tika, text, entities, linker, dictionary),
-> using of reasoning and inference functionalities,
-> using of machine learning functionalities.

In case of RDF extractors, I found out that it is possible to set up RDF extractors during database setting in Stardog Studio (Stardog Cloud) in Properties section/Docs, but I was not successful to find any help (tutorial) which steps should be done after that. Maybe free version does not support to use RDF extractors :frowning:

Thank you a lof for your advice(s)/help in advance.

Best regards,

Hi Martina,

All of those features are available in the free version of Stardog Cloud. In fact, the full Stardog platform is available in SDC Free! The differences between SDC Free and SDC Essentials can be seen at our Get Started page, but the main differences are the number of edges and databases allowed.

If you have any specific questions about the features you mentioned, I'd be happy to answer them. In the meantime, I can link to the relevant sections of the docs:


Dear Steve Place,

thank you a lot for your very fast feedback :slight_smile:
I am really beginner in working with Stardog and this is the reason why I am still confused.
I feel that solution will be very easy, but ... :slight_smile:

I follow the pieces of information mentioned e. g. in tutorial - Entity Extraction and Linking (Entity Extraction and Linking | Stardog Documentation Latest) for finding out how it works.
In Preprocessing section, there is the information that some specific files (en-ner-person.bin, en-sent.bin, en-token.bin) have to be used for NER with person_movie.ttl "ontology". I think that the only one way how to add these files into the database (in the Stardog Cloud free version) is to visit the Properties section used for setting various properties of the database (named as Properties). There is e.g. empty field named as OpenNLP Models Path (docs.opennlp.models.path). Problem is that I do not know how to set the above mentioned files for this database. I feel that the whole line mentioned in tutorial (Preprocessing section) -> stardog-admin db create -o search.enabled=true docs.opennlp.models.path=/path/to/folder -n movies person_movie.ttl cannot be used directly in the OpenNLP Models Path (docs.opennlp.models.path).

If I follow the next instructions (Extracting entities section), additional file (text file named article.txt) should be used, but I do not know how to add this file into the database in the Stardog Cloud.

It seems to me that this tutorial and e. g. the next one (Unstructured Content | Stardog Documentation Latest) cannot be used for Stardog Cloud free version users.

Similarly, if I would like to use another tutorial for relations extraction (Extending BITES | Stardog Documentation Latest), I am also lost how to set all files (e. g. jar files) in Stardog Cloud.

This is the reason why I thought that e. g. NER or relations extraction are not available in the Stardog Cloud free version :slight_smile:

Are there any tutorials which help me how to set up the database, i. e. how to set it to use additional files (*.txt, *.pdf, *.bin, *. jar, ...) in the Stardog Cloud? I think that they should be set up in the Properties section in the Cloud, but I do not know also which syntax should be used in their settings for various types of fields in the Properties section.

I am really apologize for my silly questions, but I think that Stardog has a great potential, especially in relation to the NLP, ML :slight_smile:

Thank you very much for some advices.

Best regards,

Hi Martina,

Apologies for unintentionally misleading you. Entity Extraction and the other features you bring up are technically possible in SDC free, but in practice they're impossible because you don't have access to the Stardog filesystem (as you pointed out).

To be able to use the features you want, you can request a free license key here and run Stardog locally. Then, you can reference your computer's local filesystem for the paths you call out in your screenshot.

I do want to point out that you can perform reasoning/inference and machine learning it SDC, though. In fact, we have knowledge kits built around these specific features! If you're still interested in exploring those features, you can find the knowledge kits here:


Dear Steve Place,

thank you a lot for your very very fast feedback!
I was worried about that I wrongly interpreted facts mentioned on the web (tutorials, etc.) and made mistakes somewhere. Perfect! I am going to continue in discovering Stardog functionalities :slight_smile:

Best regards,