Stardog rule with "min", "max", "count" in IF statement

Hi Stardog Team,

Does this kind of rule where “min”, “max”, “count” operation
inside IF statement work?

I have three persons, each of which is 20, 21, and 25 years old.
SL reasoner gives that all of those persons are the youngest.

Any advice would be appreciated…

insert {
          :RULE a stardog:rule:SPARQLRule ;
             stardog:rule:content """
                 IF {
                         ?x <http://abc/AGE> ?minage .
	                         select (min(?y) as ?minage)
		                         ?s a <http://abc/PERSON> .
		                         ?s <http://abc/AGE> ?y.
                 THEN {
                        ?x <http://abc/YOUNGEST>  "True" .
                 }""" .
where {
select ?x
where {
?x <http://abc/YOUNGEST>  "True" .

No. Aggregation is not supported in rules, you’ll have to do these computations in queries.


Thank you for the prompt reply!

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