Acces Stardog Cloud with CLI

How to acces stardog cloud with cli on windows?

Hi Bilal,

After logging in to your Stardog Cloud account and connecting to your Stardog instance, you can create a user in the Studio application.

You will also need to install the CLI tools on Windows: Windows (Deprecated) | Stardog Documentation Latest

Once you have created a user/password and you have the CLI tools installed, you can access your cloud instance via the CLI. We provide more info here: Accessing API Endpoint | Stardog Documentation Latest



Hello Paul,

Thank you for your reply.

I successfully installed the service, but when I try to start it I got this error:

Screenshot 2024-07-01 223928

Regarding this command:

stardog-admin --server https://[custom-name] -u < admin-user> db list

What should I put instead of admin-user? the username created?

(I have JAVA version "11.0.18")

You do not need to start the Stardog server on you local system. Your Stardog Free endpoint is already running in Stardog Cloud.

If you want to run stardog-admin to send a command to your cloud endpoint, then you will need an admin user. The easiest way to create an admin user that you can use with the CLI is to create a new user (for example, cli_admin) in Studio and then assign the cloud role to that user.

Assuming the name of your Free endpoint is sd-12345678, you could then run the command stardog-admin --server db list -u cli_admin to get a list of your databases. Note that the order of parameters in my example is slightly different from that in the doc that I referenced. It looks like we have a typo in that example. Your best bet when using the CLI is to use the CLI doc reference (for example, db list | Stardog Documentation Latest).

In general, it is a best practice to not create such powerful users that can be accessed via username/password. If possible, I recommend doing all your admin-level work (like creating databases) in Studio, and then creating a user with the least privileges possible that can be used with the stardog CLI command (for example, for executing queries).