Convert SQL database to .rdf or .ttl

Hi, I am new to stardog and I am trying to convert sql database to rdf file. How can i do that?
Thank you!!

Hi Smrati,

You can do this using a virtual graph in Stardog. You can either use virtual import to copy the entire contents of your database into Stardog or create a virtual graph to execute SPARQL queries over the SQL database.


Hi Jess,
Thank you for the quick response. I tried this but as per my understanding this helps in getting the contents of database in the graph database. I am trying to upload the schema as well from the database as I dont have existing .ttl file which has the schema. Is there any way i can do that?
Thank you!!

Stardog 5.2.2 allows creation of virtual graphs without a set of mappings. A set of mappings will be created which match the schema of the database. The mappings can be exported and customized by exporting them using the virtual mappings command.


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