Default IRI for models you create in designer

Designer automatically creates an IRI for each class you create and uses some standard naming scheme for that. But is it possible to let it use a different one, that's linked to the model you're working on, so you can treat the model as an ontology?
Kind regards,

When you select a class in Designer you can edit it's IRI, see below:

We will also soon be releasing some updates to our publishing workflow that will make management of your projects and their related artifacts a bit easier.

Hi Mike,
Thanks, I'd found that option. But using that, I have to enter the IRI for each and every class (and relation) I create. And I'm lazy, otherwise I wouldn't have ended up in IT. Thus my question about a kind of default setting. Will that be part of the publishing workflow?
Kind regards,

Yes, you will be able to specify a default base, and everything will be relative to that within your project. And you will still be able to edit each individual resource to customize as you see fit.