Explorer does not visualise blank nodes


First of all, thanks a lot for creating and developing Stardog Explorer! It is a really nice tool for exploring data for non-technical users.

While using the tool on my data, I stumbled upon the following problem: it seems that blank nodes and connections to them are not visualised. Is there a way to make Explorer display them?
In my case I'm using blank nodes to represent certain metadata for properties (edges), and displaying such info would be very useful.

Many thanks!


I am facing the same issue; just have tried the following data:

    :Tweet a owl:Class .
    :Entity a owl:Class .
    :mentions a owl:ObjectProperty ;
              rdfs:domain :Tweet .
    :category a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
              rdfs:domain :Entity ;
              rdfs:range xsd:string .
    :detectedAs a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
              rdfs:domain :Entity ;
              rdfs:range xsd:string .
    :id a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
              rdfs:domain :Tweet ;
              rdfs:range xsd:string .
    :detectedAs a owl:DatatypeProperty .
    :12 a :Tweet ;
        :id "123" ;
        :mentions [
            a :Entity ;
            :category "flight" ;
            :detectedAs "LH123" 

Explorer does not show any of the embedded properties of the blank node. Any suggestions?

Evgeny, yes, currently we don't support viewing bnodes in the canvas of Explorer. This enhancement is in the backlog for a future release, however.