Explorer shows no results

Recently, my Stardog Explorer does not visualize the graph; it shows 'No results,' although my knowledge graph was imported successfully to the database. There is no issue with Stardog Studio, as I can execute queries with returned results.

This issue with Stardog Explorer is happening only recently. Any suggestions?

Welcome to the community An Lam!

The change in behavior your are noticing in Explorer is likely due a change tied to the recent release of Stardog 10 (Stardog Platform Release Notes | Stardog Documentation Latest).

The default reasoning schema no longer uses a wildcard (said more explicitly, it no longer defaults to all local graphs in Stardog). Users must now specify a named graph to be used as the reasoning schema.

Designer will publish new models as reasoning schemas but users publishing data models outside of Designer must make this specification through Studio (or the CLI).

To set the reasoning schema in Studio, navigate to Databases Hub -> Properties -> search for reasoning.schema and specify the named graph(s) that constitute each schema.
Example: Cars=tag:stardog:designer:Cars_custom:model

In Explorer -> Settings, you will be able to select from these specified reasoning schemas:



Hi Laura,

Thank you for providing the information. Could you please provide more details on how to make Explorer visualize the entire graph as it did before? I attempted adding "all=stardog:context:all," but it did not seem to work.

To visualize your model in Explorer, you will need your model data written to a specific named graph. Once the data is in a specific graph, you'll need to set your reasoning schema to that graph.

To set the reasoning schema in Studio, navigate to Databases Hub -> Properties -> search for reasoning.schema and specify the named graph(s) that constitute each schema.
Example: Cars=tag:stardog:designer:Cars_custom:model. If you have multiple graphs you want to set to the same reasoning schema, you can do so like Cars=tag:stardog:designer:Cars2:model, Cars=tag:stardog:designer:Cars_custom:model.

If you want your experience in Explorer to reference this schema without changing your settings (ie selecting Cars from the Model drop down), you can set the database property of reasoning.schema.graphs to the IRIs for the named graphs you specified for your reasoning.schema. In our example multi-schema example above, this would be tag:stardog:designer:Cars2:model,tag:stardog:designer:Cars_custom:model. Now when Explorer opens the default model, your default model will point to your models captured in tag:stardog:designer:Cars2:model,tag:stardog:designer:Cars_custom:model.

For a single named graph, reasoning.schema.graphs would simply be set to tag:stardog:designer:Cars_custom:model.