I tried upgrading the docker container to the new version 7.4.5 (was running 7.3.4 before). Unfortunately, the container fails to restart, with following message:
STARDOG_HOME '/var/opt/stardog/' is not writeable by the current user
Have you maybe changed the id of the user under which the service runs ? The deployment lives on a kubernetes cluster, setup via your helm chart.
Yes, we did change the user running the service from root to "stardog," id:group 1000:1000. As Zach says you can change it back to root temporarily via --user while you sort out the proper permissions
07:42:20 ~ ➜ docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash stardog/stardog
bash-4.2$ whoami
bash-4.2$ id
uid=1000(stardog) gid=1000(stardog) groups=1000(stardog)
Thanks for confirming. Then indeed your helm charts need an update / extension. As far as I remember, kubernetes PVCs by default have only write permission for root.