Not able to create a database in Stardog Studio


I am not being able to create a new database in stardog. I had installed stardog and when I typed the HTTP://:5820 and it redirects me to ( I tried creating a database it gave me permission denied error.

Kindly help me with this issue.

Thanks and Regards,
Samrudhi Rao

Hi Samrudhi,

Studio is accessible through Stardog Cloud once you make an account there. Once you have opened Cloud, you then specify your Stardog server when you create a connection.

The error you are running into here is that you have connected to Stardog Express, not your own Stardog instance. If Stardog is running on your local machine, for the connection you will want to make the connection URL http://localhost:5820.


Hi Clark,

I started stardog server in my local machine and I typed the URL http://localhost:5820 in Chrome browser. It asked for credentials and later redirected the page to Stardog Cloud.
The ss is below:

I logged in to stardog studio, tried creating a database, the problem persists.

Thanks and Regards,

Hi Clark,

The issue got resolved by creating a new connection and changing the credentials.

Thanks and Regards,
Samrudhi R Rao