I'm trying to load a Turtle file that i developed in Protege. I loaded this before and it worked. I had puns in that version and I've removed them from this version but I doubt that would be a reason for it not to work. The only other thing I did was add a lot more data. The file I'm loading is here: Climate_Obstruction/data/climate_obstruction_2_7_25.ttl at main · mdebellis/Climate_Obstruction · GitHub It loads but even after I enable reasoning I don't see any classes or graph at all. I can type the name of a class such as Document that I know has subclasses and instances of subclasses and all I see is the following: Stardog Problem.png - Google Drive
One more thing. I doubt this could make a difference but several of my annotation properties point to entities (classes) in the ontology. I doubt this could be the problem but it is the only thing I can think of that is different from the version that worked. I believe Stardog can't see Annotation Properties but I doubt having them would cause problems. The version with the puns that I could visualize is here: Climate_Obstruction/data/climste_obstruction_sd.ttl at main · mdebellis/Climate_Obstruction · GitHub And here is a screen print of a class in Protege with annotations pointing to other classes (from the latest version): Annotation Properties.png - Google Drive I created the special version with the puns because there were some things I could visualize best with Stardog using Puns but for long term puns cause me problems eventually and I prefer Annotation properties. If by some chance the Annotation properties are causing a problem, I can easily delete them. I'm kind of under a deadline and there are some things I want to visualize with Stardog. I'm sure it is my fault and I'm doing something dumb.
Hi Michael,
maybe your schema/ontology is not added to graph that is a schema graph. You can either add your schema to the default schema named graph (tag:stardog:api:context:schema
) or upload it to any other named graph and add the named graph to the schema graphs in the database properties (reasoning.schema.graphs
I hope this solves your problem.
Best regards
How do I do that? Sorry, I'm a noob on Stardog and couldn't see a way to do that. I remember before I just loaded files from Protege and it worked fine. I don't see how to add the schema to a named graph. One thing I noticed is that in the past when I loaded ontologies they were made part of the Catalog. The ontology I loaded isn't part of the catalog and in fact it looks like there is no graph and when I click on Catalog it says I don't have access to it. Here are a bunch of screen prints I took of what I see now. BTW, I would be willing to pay for support if it isn't too much because I really need to get this working. I have an ontology and I want to include some screen prints using the Stardog explorer in a proposal. But when I went to upgrade it said starting price was $35 per month which would be fine but that was per user and it is over $100 per month and it looks like that still just gets me community support anyway without an Enterprise Version.
One other thing I thought of was namespaces so I added the gist namespace and the co namespace in the Designer.
Below are some screen prints that show what the current workspace looks like:
The next one is when I click on the Lightning bolt. I thought that would give me the option to try some SPARQL queries but didn't see the option:
Selecting the ontology/database (c_obstruction, it's about modeling Climate Obstruction) in the Explorer
Setting parameters in the Explorer
What I see in the Explorer, even with the ontology/database loaded. BTW, the ontology has lots of instances to. I do a search with no parameters which I thought returned the whole graph but see nothing.
I select the Document class but don't see any of its subclasses or any other info. When I click on the details view there is nothing there. When I select a class that has instances Journal_Article it shows nothing at all.
Hi Michael,
to load your model into the correct named graph (i.e., the schema named graph) you can use the Database tab in Studio and use the "Load Data" button. There you can select the file (your ontology) to load to the Database as well as the named graph it should be loaded to (tag:stardog:api:context:schema
for the default schema graph):
Once you have done this, you should be able to visualize the ontology in Explorer. Select your the database and click visualize. Here is the visualization I get for the ontology you provided:
For more details, you can also check our course on this topic.
Best regards
Lars, Thanks a lot. It works now!