Stardog Cloud, Java IO exception "No space left on device"

I'm trying to import a CSV file mapped to an ontology using Designer. It's only 235Mb and is a couple of columns: id and name. The "Publish" fails with error "Failed to import name-basics: 000012: Could not create a copy of the iteration: No space left on device"
Does that indicate I've hit the limit of 10M edges in the Free tier of Stardog Cloud or is there a more general problem with the disk on the server? Does the server actually count the edges or the space taken?

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Hi Pete,

It is possible for one to get a disk full error before reaching 10M triples in some extreme cases but that's likely not the issue here. We have identified that some of the write-ahead log files might grow too large and take away disk space unnecessarily over time. We have a scheduled maintenance window for Stardog Cloud on Oct 26th and we expect to make configuration changes to address this issue.


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