Hi, I have been trying to create a Virtual Graph on a salesforce database. I am using cdata jdbc driver. Having error: object 'xyz' not found (Internal server error). But I have checked that object exists and also accessed the corresponding data using dbevear and java code.
The following steps I have followed:
Installed stardog in an ec2 instance.
Extracted the setup.jar provided by cdata and Put the cdata.jdbc.salesforce.jar file in stardoghome/server/ext/ directory.
It was failing the above mentioned error.
Note: Stardog is working fine because I have created a virtual graph over an oracle database and it is working perfectly.
Can you try setting sql.default.schema=Salesforce in the properties file? If this doesn't work, you can use the virtual source_metadata utility to verify the schema and table name.
If you created the VG on the CLI, the properties file is what you pass in to the command alongside the mappings (if any). If you are using Stardog Studio, you can set sql.default.schema in the Configuration popup for the VG, under "other options."