I just wanted to add some additional info to the recent post on visualization that someone might find helpful. The post mentioned using Gephi and saving a SPARQL query to csv before loading into Gephi. There's a Gephi plugin called Semantic Web Import plugin where you should be able to execute the sparql query right in Gephi. Semantic Web Importer
Sigma.js is always cool and it would be interesting to see what you could do with it and GraphQL. http://sigmajs.org/
RelFinder is an oldie' but goodie' although it's showing it's age with Flash but it would be interesting to see something like it with a more modern framework using Stardog Path queries. RelFinder - Visual Data Web
Vega. Visualization framework powered by D3. I'm actively looking into this but with the GraphQL queries this should be a quick win to put together some amazing visualizations. A Visualization Grammar | Vega
yWorks does some good stuff although there's no specific semantic web support but I'm sure a little work could put something nice together if you don't mind paying for it. yEd - Graph Editor
Cytoscape. This always used to be a little clunky but I think it's been updated recently and is looking shiny and new. http://www.cytoscape.org/
Maps. Too many options to mention but I'm sure there are some very cool things that can be done here.
I have to second @zachary.whitley 's discussion of the Semantic Web Import plugin for Gephi. I have used it to great effect on my project as it allows me to ingest .ttl files directly into Gephi. I generally use Stardog to do the heavy lifting of reasoning then use Gephi to have a look at the results. This is especally useful for CONSTRUCT queries which return a sub-graph rather than just a list. The one thing you need to watch-out for when using it is that it automatically has a limit of 100 set on everything so you can get tripped up if you do not remove it when importing files. To do so, you need to go Semantic Web Import tab -> Query -> remove the “limit 100” on the query but leave everything else the same.
@cyocum Can you use it to directly query a Stardog database? When I put in the web URL for my database and write a query I can’t make it go. Any tips?
I haven’t tried it but you can set a remote endpoint for a SPARQL query (under the “driver” tab in the Semantic Web Import tab) so I believe you could do it. I generally like to output into a Turtle file then load it so if there is something odd, I can go back into the output file and see what is going on.