Explorer does not show expected relationships

Hi all,
I am evaluating Stardog Cloud and found an unexpected behaviour when I resumed my task recently after a few weeks:
I have a database where one named graph (https://brickschema.org/schema/Brick#) contains an ontology, accessible here for reference, and another graph that contain triples that are encoded according to the ontology.

When I query the graph using Studio, then I can achieve the expected results, using the query that is pasted below.

But when I use the Explorer, I cannot see the expected object properties anymore. I am sure that this was possible a few weeks ago.

I have set "Brick=https://brickschema.org/schema/Brick#" in "reasoning.schemas" in the database properties section.

Hi again,
To make it easier to replicate the issue, this SPARQL can be used to create the triples that are needed. You can find the ontology that I used in the post above. I still get the unexpected results. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks!
Best regards, Farhad

PREFIX brick: <https://brickschema.org/schema/Brick#>
insert {
    graph <:testgraph>
    <http://test/MySite> a brick:Site;
          rdfs:label "MySite";
          brick:hasPart <http://test/MySystem>.
    <http://test/MySystem> a brick:System;
            rdfs:label "MySystem";
            brick:hasPart <http://test/MyEquipment>.
    <http://test/MyEquipment> a brick:Equipment;
               rdfs:label "MyEquipment";
               brick:hasPoint <http://test/MyPoint>.
    <http://test/MyPoint> a brick:Point;
           rdfs:label "MyPoint".
where {}

Skärmavbild 2024-08-23 kl. 10.12.10

Dear Farhad,

thanks for sharing the data to reproduce. I suspect that the ontology you are using does not fulfill all criteria for the relationships to be shown/expandable in Explorer. You can find the necessary model criteria in our documentation. For example, make sure to have domain/domainIncludes and/or range/rangeIncludes defined.

I hope this will solve your issue!

Best regards,


Thanks for the reply Lars,
The funny thing is that I didn't have this issue with the very same ontology a few weeks ago.
Is the model criteria that you point to a new addition to Explorer?
Best regards, Farhad

These criteria are not new but there has been a recent optimization for Explorer to avoid loading unnecessary data for very large ontologies (> 1K concepts). With this optimization, Explorer does not include loading relationships for nodes that are not explicitly defined as having a domain and range. Since the ontology you are using has > 2.4K concepts (owl:Class) this optimization is likely to have caused the difference in behavior for you.

Best regards,

Hi Lars, thanks for your response!
I can confirm this. When i try to load a small portion of the Brick ontology, then the Explorer works as it used to do. However, I find this constraint limiting i my case, since I won't be able to use Explorer for demonstration purposes as I was hoping to do. If would be very appreciated if it would be possible to turn of this constraint in the same manner that reasoning can be activated / deactivated. Do you think that this can be possible in future?
Best regards, Farhad

Thanks Farhad. Please note that I've added this as a feature request for our product team to consider.

If the full Brick ontology is not necessary for your use case I would recommend trimming the ontology down to the relevant portion or adding domainIncludes and rangeInclude associations to the subset of the ontology you are using.

Hi Laura,
The full Brick ontology is not necessary, but the ontology is very large and grows larger for each version and it is a rather cumbersome task to trim away parts of it to get to < 1K concepts.
As for the domainIncludes and rangeInclude associations, I think that the authors of the ontology have deliberately left these out for some of the core object properties to allow for more flexibility in modelling. A Building can have Zones, Systems and Equipments (as well as other concepts) as parts for instance.

Thanks for adding the feature request. I'll keep my fingers crossed :slight_smile: