Graviton Setup sufficient EC2 access

I am using Stardog Graviton to setup a cluster on an EC2 instance.
When I run, /stardog-graviton --log-level=DEBUG launch mystardog423
I already have my AWS Key and secret key setup in the env variable, I get the following error

** Running packer to build the image...

We failed to build the image. Please verify that you have sufficent EC2 access.Failed to make the stardog base image: exit status 1

Failed: exit status 1

Please check the log files:

Checking the logs, it has error because of zookeeper installation

The location of zookeeper that we rely on moved. We have this fixed in the graviton git repo but we need to do another release. One should be coming in the next few days. In the mean time you can build from source to get the fix.

I am currently not seeing any push on the repo in the master branch for GitHub - stardog-union/stardog-graviton: Stardog Graviton has been deprecated. Please see our helm charts for similar functionality on Kubernetes.
Let me know where can I find the repo


We just released Stardog Graviton 1.0.10, which contains the fix for this issue.

You can find the OS X and Linux binaries on the releases page:

Let us know if this doesn't fix your issue.

Yup this was the solution. Thanks !!

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