I loaded an ontology I created into Explorer. I've just started using Explorer so I may be missing something but it looks like annotation properties aren't showing up. I have an annotation property called hasTopic that has domain Document and no range because I want to point it to any entity. A document can be about a class as well as an individual and even (although less likely) a property. When I click on a document: "A Concise and Systematic Review on Non-Invasive Glucose Monitoring for Potential Diabetes Management" and do "Expand by" I don't see any Annotation properties (see first screen print) but viewing the same individual in Protege you can see they have annotation properties for hasTopic that point to classes. It makes sense that Annotation properties wouldn't show up since they usually are Literals. Is there a way to change the settings so they show up? I used an Annotation Property because I don't like creating lots of puns. But if I need to create puns I could do that just wanted to make sure there isn't some way to configure Explorer to view Annotation properties that have IRI values before creating lots of puns.
Michael DeBellis
Hi Michael,
The Explorer canvas and detail panels have specific model criteria we limit the view to. If you are developing your data model and mapping in Designer, we will always support all model criteria completed in Designer in Explorer.
Currently, annotation properties are not supported.
Additional information on model criteria can be found in our docs: